Fall of Patri-lineal dynasty & Rise of Matri-lineal dynasty of Chola Empire
  • Hi,
    There is one correction/clarification here. After the death of Parameshvaravarman IIin 731 CE, there was no pure descendant of Pallava lineage in Kanchi. The state was in anarchy. A group of minister was formed and sent to find a pure descendant. This group reached the empire of Maharja of Katava Hiranyavarman, who was a descendant from Simhavarman II (535-560CE)  through his second son, Bhima. Hiranyavarman accepted this offer and asked his four sons, Srimalla, Ranamalla, Samkaramalla and Pallavamalla, who would take up this tasks. Pallavamalla accepted this. Hiranyavarman was sad at this as Pallavamalla was only 12 years old at that time. But his acharya, Tarandikonda, told Hiranyavarman that Pallavamalla has been a worshipper of Maha-Vishnu and hence will become an emperor so the king should not grieve on his departure.
    Pallavamalla came back to Kanchi and faced the army of Skandashishya, the impure Pallava who took over the Kanchi after Parmeshvaravarman's II death. Skandashishya was defeated and fled. This Pallavamalla was consecrated with nameNandivarman Pallavamalla. This whole story is shown in parakara panel of Vaikuntha Perumal temple at Kanchipuram with proper inscriptions. Now there is a debate from where this Pallavamalla came? Some scholars say that this was from Cambodia and some say that it was from India only. K.R. Srinivasan says that this empire of Hiranyavarman was in Kongu, however T. V. Mahalingam says that he came from Kambujadesha (present Cambodia). These interpretations are based upon a word 'gahana' in the inscription. Srinivasan took it as armies so he says that he came from Kongu, but Mahalingam took this 'gahana' as seas so he should have come from Kambujadesha.
    I will try to find more on this and update here.
    btw, Parmeshvaravarman II was a Shaiva however Nandivarman was a Vaishnava. As Hiranyavarman was Vaishnava so Nandivarman kept this faith when he was consecrated at Kanchi. Kailasantha temple of Rajasimha is the zenith of Shiavism at Kanchi, so Vaikuntha Perumal temple is the zenith of Viashnava in Kanchi. Interestingly, both the temples are at the opposite directions, Kailashantha facing east and Vaikuntha Perumal facing west, such as supporting the balance of Kanchi.
  • We discussed it in part of Ramayanam series. Vishwaksenan sir gave a detailed reply on this,

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