Ponniyin Selvan TV Serial?
  • Hi People - I'm relatively new to this group, and was going through the files uploaded in the Yahoo! groups page. This file mentions that there is a TV serial under production. Does anyone have any information on this?

    Can't wait to see my favorite tamil novel (my 1st full tamil novel read) been on TV. Sorry if this has been already discussed (can't find in the archieves, probably I'm not searching properly)

  • Hi People - I'm relatively new to this group, and was going through the files uploaded in the Yahoo! groups page. This file mentions that there is a TV serial under production. Does anyone have any information on this?

    Can't wait to see my favorite tamil novel (my 1st full tamil novel read) been on TV. Sorry if this has been already discussed (can't find in the archieves, probably I'm not searching properly)



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