Poetry In Stone
  • Dear VJ,
    The website is get improved and i like tht very much.Daily im checking the website for new articles and Iam learning lot of things.
    One Suggestion:
    In Random Image,I used to maximize and i try to identify what sculpture is that,sometimes i failed.I dont know wat is that and also eager to know tht.
    Instead of giving name of the photo as IMG_1..You can name  the image with description.
    Ex:In one image,i saw the name as  Arjuna in penance.jpg.
    If it is like this,very usefull for us.Pls..
  • hi saathmeeka

    Thanks - sure, will work on it.

    Meantime, todays special is an intro post on the mallai shore temple (
    when we started the effort, we were hoping that more people would join
    the effort and support with their pictures. but was not prepared for
    this - two of my flickr friends have shared their incredible pictures
    with us) - enjoy the sheer poetry

  • Dear VJ

    I think you should have this link in your blog and possibly comment on it on the BBC site as well


    Kind Regards


    If I can stop one heart from breaking,I shall not live in vain;
    If I can ease one life the aching,Or cool one pain,
    Or help one fainting robin, Into his nest again,
    I shall not live in vain.
    Emily Dickinson

    To: [email protected]
  • will certainly do that sir.

    Here the language of stone surpasses the language of man
  • Ennanga Sir ellam
    Sri will do just fine

    If I can stop one heart from breaking,I shall not live in vain;
    If I can ease one life the aching,Or cool one pain,
    Or help one fainting robin, Into his nest again,
    I shall not live in vain.
    Emily Dickinson

    To: [email protected]

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