Workshop on ������Principles of Pre-natal Education in Vedic culture"
Date: 4th November 2007 (Sunday)
Venue: Beach Office, Sri Aurobindo Society 1, Rangapillai Street , Puducherry (Pondicherry) - 605001
08.15 am to 08.30 am - Meditation and introduction 08.30 am to 09.30 am - Vedas and Dharma (by Sri Ranganji) 09.30 am to 10. 00 am - Question and answer session 10.00 am to 10. 30 am - Break 10.30 am to 11.30 am - Yoga for pregnancy & its effects (by Dr. Shamanthakamani Narendran) 11.30 am to 12.00 pm - Question & Answer session 12.00 pm to 01.30 pm - Lunch Break 01.30 pm to 02.30 pm - Vedic samskaras before child delivery & their effect (by Sri Ranganji 02.30 pm to 03.00 pm - Question and answer session 03.00 pm to 03.30 pm - Tea Break 03.30 pm to 04.30 pm - Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on prenatal education by Dr. Alok Pandy 04.30 pm to 05.00 pm - Question and answer session 05.00 pm to 05.30 pm - Concluding Session (by Vijay Bhai)
Profiles of Speakers:
Dr Shamanthakamani Narendran , MD, PhD, is one of the eminent pediatricians and she broadcasts regular programs on All India Radio and Doordarshan. She has traveled widely. She takes active part in rural health projects and other community services. She is a Rotarian and a Paul Harris Fellow. She has published two books on child care. She has served as president of Bangalore Pediatric Society, Association of Women Doctors of Karnataka and Kannada Vaidya Sahithya Parishat. She is at present doing extensive research study on efficacy of "Yoga in Pregnant Women������.
Dr. Alok Pandey, MBBS. , MD (Psychiatry) has been working in the light of Mother and Sri Aurobindo for more than 15 years. He has developed the working concept of Integral Health and Integral psychology which he is using in his life and practice. He is one of the founders of SAIIIHR.
Shri. R.Ranganji, MBA is a spiritual guide and a Vedic scholar. Presently he is a consultant to Vivekananda Yoga Anusanthana Samasthana ( Vivekananda Yoga University ) in Bangalore . He is doing research in Vedas in the same university. He is a master of Vedas, Vedic Sanskrit, Upanishads and epics. He has authored many books on the Vedas giving its meaning and its practicality for the present age. He also has authored books on Ramayana, Yoga, and Vedas etc. He is a head of an organization called Web of Life Makers (Webolim) which spreads the values of Vedas and usage of Vedic values in every day life. He conducts Vedic workshops in various places in India and abroad. He delivers discourses on Vedas, Vedanta and epics in many places.
All are invited. There is no need of prior knowledge of Sanskrit or Vedas. Please register for workshop by sending an email to [email protected] (webolim AT yahoo DOT co DOT in). If requirement for stay is required, please do inform us.