Periyar and Dravidasthan
  • The recent movie "Periyar" by Director "Gnana Rajasekaran" (Director or
    Bharathi) is really good and you can get lot of information from that as
  • Better verify 'facts' narrated by the movie. I was
    told there are mistakes.

  • One can get published and printed evidence for pro or con of any event.
    It will be difficult to prove or disprove even today's events if
    newspaper reports are used as evidence. That is why, especially when
    investigating historic past we must use all evidences - oral, literary,
    traditions, archaeological and must not conclude hastily and
    assertively. There are instances of creating evidences by historians
    with a strong bias. I am always wary of 'adichu pesara' persons who
    make assertions.

  • Yes, I do not know whether the film portrayed actual facts. But I saw/read
    "Moga Mul" and "Bharathi" movies directed by the same director, so I believe
    the incidents may be true.
  • I feel, the basic concepts of periyar itself is wrong. On analysing
    more facts on our history, i feel, periyar would have been mis-
    understood on the prevalent social conditions.

    I would like to highlight the following points.

    As per dharampal's findings (, most of the present
    day BC's & OBC's were the rulers & chiefs before the britisher's
    arrival. For example, the gounder, vanniars, thevars, naickers were
    classified as BC's & OBC's. And as per periyar, they were oppressed
    for thousands of years by brahmins.
    If that is the case, then how could theeran chinnamalai,
    poolithevan, kattabomman, velunachiar who belong to all the current
    day BC & OBC castes, be rulers during the british conquest?

    History shows, that brahmins were banned from earning for their
    livinghood. They have to lead a simple life, and perform only
    temple duties and educational duties. They were under the patronage
    of the then rulers, who was made in to much poverty by britishers.

    But periyar portrayed brahmins as the only community oppressing all
    others, while it was prevalent in his own community too. The
    naickar community was so fierceful in practicing untouchability,
    equalent to the thevar community. Gounders & nadars too followed
    the same, but with less vigour.

    But, still its a mystery why periyar fought only against brahmins?

    Considering all the above facts, the film periyar is nothing but a
    advertisement moview for periyar.

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