Identification please from S.Balasubramani B+
  • As u all remember few months back as requested by sri and also my
    request on identification, members started to send their

    this is a honoured group towards probing of missing links of our
    indian history with lot of intellectuals in our group from different
    countires under one banner as a Tamils .

    why our members still hidding on nic names ,why dont you to create
    a folders and get oth from the members , messages will not be

    Continuation of all of my reminders in the past
    finally, i got victimned infront of 1200 + members with sleepless
    nights by the unidentified mail id.

    all most i shared my reference mateirals with you all for the last
    16 months.

    patheitc of my story is, after i left exactly one month on 20th, got
    acid attack by the educated well wisher .

    My thanks to Madan for informing these incidents on our fantastic
    thiruvelangadu trip with ASi Rajavelu sir and my friend chandra and
    7 more friends . really it was memorable trip.

    tour photos can be seen at temple cleaners group

    please think

    s.balasubramani B+
    098531 25026
    Bhubaneswar Orissa
    camp; Bhilai at Chattisgarh
    Native of Villupuram

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