Vichitira Chittan...
  • Hi All,

    I got Vichitra Chitan by Venkatraman Divakar from Venkat sir the other
    day. I read at a rapid pace and completed the book in 5 hrs. The book
    was gripping. I would easily rate the book the best out of the 3
    Divakar has written. Though in the foreword it is said the story's
    pace is like going up in the mountain in a steady pace at the start
    and half way through it is like coming down at a rapid pace, i never
    felt that. The story is very well paced and pretty interesting.

    All in all it was a great read and I surely believe this would be a
    grand success. Congrats Divakar sir for this great work.
  • Heartiest congratulations Dhiwakar - I look forward to read it
  • Hi divakar sir,

    Contrary to siva's experience, i have not been able to proceed at
    his pace ( which is what i would normally do with other
    novels)..this was warranted by the author's mature handling of a
    delicate subject...backed by immaculate language, profound
    knowledge, impeccable background research and entralling storyline.
    every line ( right from the introduction quote from namalvar) has a
    deep impact - asking questions and giving you answers. after every
    page you know that your traditinal opinion n beliefs are being
    shaken ....akin to manmadan hitting you with his arrows....its not
    the impact but the after effects that leaves you with a sublime
    feeling....splendid work sir..i am fortunate to have landed up at
    the right place at the right time


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