PS trailer scenes
  • Hi Ezhil,

    I have few Suggestions/Doubts/etc...

    So now, it is known fact that we are capable of producing a Tonnes of
    Ideas. But the real fact is how we are going to execute it. My
    imagination would go far beyond (which I have not shared so far, for
    some secret reasons.:-)) provided we know few things like Technical
    strengths, resources, time and off course cost (if any)?

    Here few Qs that are running in my mind...

    * What is the purpose for this Trailer? Like TV serial, Hobby,
    Documentary type, Knowledge Base etc ...
    * How we are delivering the project.. Online, DVD, Tap etc..
    * What kind of audience do we have for this project? It is for
    only History Geeks, common person, PD fans.. Kalki Fans..
    * Who are the stockholders? How many people are so far involved in
    the project so far...? What happened so far? (This would give a brief
    history of how this project came up so that we all can align our
    * What kind of Animation we are trying to do?

    * 2d

    o Cell Animation (traditional)

    o Computer Animation

    o 2D with depth illusion etc..

    * 3D

    o Character Animation (cartoonist stuff)

    o Real life simulation.

    * Or, combination of all that includes Super imposing and
    composting etc...

    * Very impotently when do you need to complete this project? (Time
    line is important factor)
    * What is the role of PS group in this project? It is just for
    ideas or more.. Like using some the valuable resources for some specific
    purpose etc?

    Talking about trailers...

    There are many types of tailors...we need to be very specific when we
    choose to "think our brains" for ideas..

    1. one way is to show the best screen from the movie as trailer
    (which we all are talking about now) along with come tagline (like
    emotional, sentiments, romance, comedy, action, suspense etc)
    2. Other way, is to like "talk" to audience like a narration.
    (Usually used for history subjects)
    3. Other way, is to give a outline of story with our climax..?
    4. Other way, it like education... on how great our kings are in
    other days.. etc...
    5. Last way, (there are many ways)... it is to show a gimmick of
    brand attract people...(think of something like.. Star war
    trailer the one which they did not show any thing except the Characters
    breathing sound that is in sync with few stills..) I don't know whether
    you could imagine this... But this works best of all...

    Any way, this is my NO : +91. 98452 38383, guys call me any time and I
    would be glad to discuss more ...
  • i just wanted to make a few small suggestions. Mr.Jayaprakash has asked
    whether this trailer would be for historyknow-alls or for the common man. It
    should be for the common man. Remember Kalki did not write this novel for
    history know-alls, he wrote it for the weekly readers of the magazine who
    were house wives, family men, youngsters in college, etc. It sold well
    because it was a very good adventure and not because it was a good
    historical reference. that is secondary. To be frank i myself wouldn't have
    read it if it was full of history details. i read it because i wanted to
    read a very good adventure, i dint care if there RRC really went to Lanka or
    Nandini was really that beautiful (in Mr.SPS's words like Vyjayantimala or
    Padmini ;) ;)). It was a whole lot of fun to read, thats it! Im sure many in
    this group feel the same way.
    This animation should also be like this. It should be understood by
    everybody and should draw in newer audiences (the english version should do
    this) like the book did. The audience should be able to understand what it
    is all about even if they haven't read PS beforehand.
    If we dont focus on showing too much history, people will automoatically be
    interested to know more and tamil history would benefit.
  • Dear Mr. Velu Prakash & Mrs. Ezhil,

    Hope you are seeing group mails..

    Yahoo groups do not accept attachments. they have to be put in
    file section.

    If these are NOT sent by you, then it is clear spam mails are
    generated from your IDs.


    Of late it is on the increase.

    Such mails are generated from Gokul, my ID also.

    Will have to report this to CIBER Crime Police.

    Request Venkat to accompany me to lodge a Complaint.
    We will discuss privately on this.

    regards / sps

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