E-books of ponniyin selvan
  • Dear friends i have e- books of Ponnyinselvan. i dont know it is
    within the copyright Act. If it didnot violate the copyright Act i
    would like to share the book who would like to get it.
  • I am not sure about the copyright, I had downloaded it from http://www.tamil.net/projectmadurai

    PS, SS, PK, AO - I had found these here..
  • -Hi

    kalki's works have been nationalised.

    so there is no copyright issue.

    however the inttelectual property of a writer and his heirs end 50
    years from the death of a writer.

    thats why you see so many publishers printing ps.

    only vanathi held the right to it earlier

  • dear Nanda
    if you read the top credits in the work on PS you ll see a few PS group members ...

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