David Frawley
  • Dear Bala,
    This article is no nice you have brought it out. Actually David Frawley doing a great service to Indian culture and he the person who have catagorically said to the world the theory of invasion of Aryan is just a myth and there was no different culture for Aryan-Dravidan. He has also mentioned about the river Saraswati once flown parallel to Yamuna.

    He has written about the period after Mahabarat. He said that around 300 years of continuous drought from meditarian sea to Indian east coast during the last stage of Indus valley civilisation spoiled the entire civilised world. His deep research reflected in many articles.

    His works on Vedic India is a marvel one and he even mentioned the periods of Mahabharat, Ramayana, etc. He has written books jointly with Rajaram too.

    Some Interesting news about DF. He is the son of American RC Father and after deep study on Veda and other Eastern religious books, he came to India and stayed here for years. He has changed his name as 'Vama Deva Sastri' also. Once he came to Vizag three years back and gave a lecture on 'The American view of Hinduism' and predicted that future for the entire human being is India only.

    Recently I have gone through PT Srinivasa Iyengar's History of Tamils which was written during 1928-29. Excellent scholarly work on Sangap padalgal but the dates of Tamil Kings were given purely based on half boiled facts of 'those days European Historians'. Here people like David Frawley counts more for their near-total facts.


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