Just Super
  • Just now only i saw the interview on SUN-TVs Chennai Times. This is
    really a wonderful work you have done. I am a Thamizh Mozhi
    researcher, my topic is "Thamizhai Theady". On my Theadal i got lot
    of collections about Thamizh and Thamizh's. I heared a lot
    about "Ponniyin Selvan" but i did not read or know a single line of
    this literature. I am very much shamed on myself being a researcher.
    The interview I saw today turned my eyes towords the great work
    of 'Thiru KALKI'. I have a lot of work pendding to releas my
    collections on online. You gave me a great subject to get more on the
    unmeasured centurys old Thamizh civillization.

    Please keep on touching

    vazhga Thamizh, pallayiram

    Visit:= http://www.geocities.com/servophbabu

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