mudhal nanri
  • friends

    i thank u whole heartedly on discussing widely on my
    views. let me confirm dilli that unless i am 1000
    times sure of not affecting the greatness of our
    guruji i will not stage the script. staging ps is a
    dream for me. ram, has done a wonderfull job of making
    us all to communicate, mudhal nanri ram. we all should
    give our time, energy and absolute dedication to make
    it happen, it might take years. it will be an project
    for every one of us. let we all wait till we make
    otherwise comfortable. well, discussing abt ps needs
    to be channelised, we all need to give our views on
    it. we should start with small chapters which give us
    least information ( i know these are only very few).
    every person should communicate opinion on such
    chapter. we can make corrections were ever we err and
    this will make us to go to the better chapters with
    greater vigor and presentation.

    well mr is my good friend, i informed him
    abt this e-group and he is also happy. he enjoys my
    plays and always encourages. so if ram has stagged
    sves type of plays i can understand his sense for and
    of humour.

    lots to discuss, but time is one constraint. will be
    back with u after my play on the 3rd.


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