Chidambaram Aardhra Dharsan Festival Details 2012
  • Chidambaram Aardhra Dharsan
    Festival Details 2012

    Chidambaram also known as
    Thillai is one of thePanchabhoota Sthalamsrepresenting five basic
    elements. And it is also one of the five dancing halls (Sabha) of
    Nataraja, Chidambaram is the Kanaka Sabha and is dedicated to Lrd Shiva
    in his form of the Cosmic Dancer. Arudhra Darshan or Arudara Darshan is
    observed in the Tamil month of Margazhi (December – January). The most
    important Arudhra Darshan festival takes place at the
    ChidambaramShivaTemplein Tamil Nadu

    Visit the site for further details andschedule of the Aardhara
    Dharsan Festival

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