Baby Arya born on 3.12.2010 1
  • Friends a pleasant coincidence !
    One of my dearest of my frien was blessed with a grand son on 3rd December, last week, when we were discussing very hotly about "Aryanisation." He was quite exhilarated and exited when he anounced the name on the telephone.
    Bagavath Geetha and Mahabaratha we come across this address form for "gentleman" in Sanskrit. Not only Hitler Winsttton churchil alsomalways felt proud of his countries Power on the world community, where the Sun Never sets. He felt they were born to rule the stupid Asians.
    So als it is no wonder that the Vedic who thought they  people possessed all knowledge and were most civilised and  It was their duty to civilize the whole world( "Ariyanise the whole zworld".
    I was just underlining this Imperilistic notion Vedic people ( or Aryans )
    Please bless the Baby Arya. Forget etymology and logic of the word Arya.

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