Kalki in Thalai nimirntha thamizharkaL section of Kumudam
  • Dear Friends,
    Hope a few of u read Kumudam weekly magazine. In that there is a section called Thalai nimirntha ThamizharkaL, where every week they write an article about a famous Tamil personality.

    Sometime back, "Amarar" Kalki was covered in this. Since I joined this group only a couple of days ago, I am not sure, whether this article was circulated among all the group members or uploaded in the home page of the PS groups. I have got the article in a doc format (You may have to have the Vikatan ATM font) for reading the document.
    If I can know, who the moderator of this group is, I can e-mail the document to him / her, so that he/she can convert the document into a PDF file with the embedded Tamil font and upload the file in the groups page.
    It is indeed a very nice article about "Amarar" Kalki.

    If the article was already circulated, please kindly ignore this mail.

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