• Ranjini....

    Weblog means...oh well...I am not the right person to
    explain with my limited knowledge and exposure.

    Mathy...pavithra...? Could you explain? It would be
    more appropriate...even others who don't know "what is
    a blog" would understand...please.

    "Blogging" means entering your
    thoughts/registering...registering in your own space
    which others can view and comment about what you have
    written...thus Weblogging. The place where you "blog"
    is called a "weblog"...maybe a rought translation is a
    website, but more powerful than that.

    again mathy & pavithra...neenga sariya sollaatti naan
    ippadidhaan thappu thappa solli vaippane...so
    please---in your own words---!!!!!

  • my friends and i use something called xanga.com which i think is similar...is it?
  • so are you using google's blogginng site?

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