kandalur salai
  • Hi Vj and Sps

    what do we really have in edicts about kandalur salai. the exact wordings.....

  • Gokul worked / working more exclusively on this dear Venkat.


  • HI Sps

    if we have not discussed this earlier could somebody post the actual edicts other than meikeerthis regarding this battle.

  • Kandaloorch Chalai has been the center stage of many controversies and misunderstandings. I have written an article in PS Souvenir titled "kanthaloor chalai Oru Meelparvai" summarizing the subject.

    Venkat: The only edict apart from RR's meikeerthi is the Rajendra chola's damaged inscription just behind the sanctum proper of Kanthaloor Mahadeva temple in Trivandrum

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