chola geneology
  • hi kamalakannan,
    thanks for the geneology file. This is very useful for persons like
    me... but the names like Karikal cholan , killi valavan are missing..
    any particular reason for omitting them?

  • Dhiwakar,

    The list contains the kings after Vijayalayan. There is no concrete
    infomation about the first chola empire.
  • kamalakannan,

    How many chola empire were there and can u generally
    say the big empires i.e. clans which held a sway over
    the entire tamil nadu region from time to time. and
    their seat of power. and does it date back to B.C

    What about the sangam periods. came to hear that they
    were three sangam periods any information as to the
    periods of each sangam and the place at which each
    were held? someone told me it was at madurai and a
    place called kabaadapuram.. is it true???


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