History of Assassins
  • All,

    The current mail count has crossed 700 now and we have 12 more days.
    Can we beat the previous months record? :)

    Ok. Other topics have come to a saturation point. Let me start new.
    Not sure how many will respond.

    As the subject goes, whats the first assassination attempt in our
    country, or in TN. We all know AK was murdered and as per PS its an
    assassination. Even the copper plates and other docs tell us that AK
    was killed by 'dhrohigal'. So a possible, historic assassination.

    The term 'Assassin' was derived from the group of people who used
    'Hashish' and killed for money. I think it was during the 11th-12th
    century, during the crusades, when the king of Syria hired these
    people to kill his mentor and capture the throne (please correct me if
    I am wrong). he was instrumental in stopping the christian crusaders
    from capturing Jerusalem.

    But from our history, assassins originated in our country ,because AK
    murder was atleast 200 years before the crusades. (Venkatesh and
    others from Pandiya nadu, please dont pounce on me saying how dare you
    call freedom fighters as 'assassins' :)... I had a similar experience.
    Got in touch with a guy from Denmark, a tamil, some 8 years ago, as
    email pal. Later came to know he was an active TILO member...mother
    org of LTTE. when i said 'oh god you were a terrorist', he pounced on
    me saying I am a freedom fighter. appuram avan sagavasam namakku
    ethukku...vidu jhooot...)..

    Can we term Ak's murder as assassination? Do we have any previous
    assassinations in India or TN? Chanakya killed a couple of royal folks
    to capture the throne for chandragupta...may be the first
    assassination in our country?

    Experts please throw some light.
  • Hi
    there is a fictional account of an atempt on the original karikalan.
    they set fire to his palace and he escaped with a burnt leg.
    or was he a "killer of elephants"

  • Assassins are as old as human history :) Even in Mahabharatha we had people
    trying to kill the Pandavas in the house of lac.. or Duryodhana trying to
    poison Bheema :D.. Putana trying to poison Krishna etc etc etc..
  • They say that Adam's son Abhraham was killed by someone!

  • Paari was killed by the moovendhars not by war but some other illegal

    Hey you forgot St. Thomas ;-)

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