இனிய சுதந்திர தின வாழ்த்துகள் - Part -2
  • I too love tamil, but when someone writes in Tamil fonts, I skip those
    mails, because while reading the mails in the group website, it
    appears as junk.

    I think this was repeated many times in the past. For the new members
    - many of the members, like me, read our mails from the group website,
    and not in the mail box. So any attachments and tamil fonts will not
    be viewed by these members. So while writing in Tamil, please also
    write a translitrated words so that people like me can enjoy the mail.
  • Tamil fonts are crystal clear and stand out if encoding is set to
    unicode - (UTF-8). I too read the mails in the group web site. In fact,
    I skip transliterated mails. Difficult choice, isn't it?

  • Sampath,

    Thanks. Earlier I tried and it didnt work. But it used to work in
    gmail. Now when I tried again, its working. Not sure whether it has to
    do with any browser settings, which i missed earlier (I mostly use

    Thanks once again.

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