Ravidaasan Panchavan Brahmadhirajan
  • Continuously certain topics creep up in our discussions - things like
    Aditya murder and Nandhini's parentage. I don't think all new members
    are reading Facts and Fiction document in the files section. Hence I
    am reproducing the following paras from the document on ravidasan: (I
    will try to write about aditya's murder separately)

    To my knowledge, it was from Thiruvalangadu copper plates that we
    first came to know about the murder of crown prince Aditya Karikala.
    Infact, these copper plates are quite sentimental in expressing this
    untimely death of aditya karikala – it had an effect on kalki who
    very specifically recalls the sentences in the copper plates:
    "Due to his wish to see heavens early, the sun set early – and the
    entire world was surrounded by the darkness called kali"

    The word sun – in this phrase, represents Aditya. The exteme
    melancholy that comes out of this poetic phrase fittingly portrays
    the mood of chola regime at that time.

    In the chola temple of Udaiyarkudi (covered in their Mudhal yatirai
    by PS Group), we come across a startling inscription that talks about
    the punishments given to those involved in crown prince Aditya's
    I do not know who first discovered this inscription – but it should
    have sent a wave of shock among the historians of those times.
    But, unfortunately, we have not discovered – till date – any other
    inscription related to this murder and we have to depend on this one
    vague udaiyargudi inscription.
    The inscription talks about "Throgigalana Ravidasanagia Pachavan
    Brahmadhirajan, his brothers soman sambavan etc etc" .
    Though the inscription is very vague in many respects, it still gives
    us room to deduce many things.
    - Pachavan Brahmadhirajan title, attributed to this guy called
    ravidasan, almost certainly indicates that he was holding a very high
    post in chola regime at the time of this punishment. Hence Kalki's
    theory that he was a pandiya abhathudhavi is questionable.
    - Brahmadhirajan is a title generally given to Brahmins in
    chola govt posts. We notice this with many other titles given to
    other superiors in chola regime.(Kalki will humerously note, in the
    words of vanathi: Is aniruddha – a brahmadhi raja or a brahma
    rakshas?) Hence we can safely assume that Ravidasan and co were
    indeed Brahmins.
    - The term "Throgigalana" tells us – as Pavithra has rightly
    pointed out in her travelogue account - that they are definitely
    people of chola regime and not outsiders. Infact the term throgigal
    may mean much more – it means "Betrayers" in tamil – which makes us
    think that they might have even been close associates of aditya or
    somebody else very close to chola government.
    - This group of conspirators seem to be brothers – as implied
    in the inscription; this fact has not been –brought out by Kalki, for
    some reason.
    - A point of bigger debade is the punishment given to this
    group (as indicated in the inscription): They are banished to go on
    exile outside the chola territory. Such a petty punishment to those
    who have committed capital crime!
    - Some have given the explanation that they were Brahmins and
    hence cannot be hanged. This is not such a bad explanation but
    invites questions. Is there any other evidence to show with
    certainity that in chola times, Brahmins were not given capital
    - Infact the punishments of chola times are confusing at times.
    Even for heinous crimes such as rape and murder, we find people just
    punished with a Nandha vilakku (Lamp that never goes down) or some
    saava moova peeradu (Sheep donations). Thus, it is difficult to
    understand the Justice Book of chola times and we are not sure wheter
    it varied across the castes etc.
    - Back to Ravidasan punishment, we can actually view it from
    another angle: May be ravidasan and co were just instruments at the
    hands of a main conspirator – who was much more powerful than them!
    That is why Rajaraja reserves the capital punishment for him and
    orders exile to these people who were just instruments.
    - "Exile" implies another thing: They have to leave all their
    lands etc and could carry only jewellary. Nobody would have bought
    lands from them – after knowing that they were conspirators. Thus
    they were made beggars in one stroke.
    - "Outside chola valanadu" – where did they really go? Must be
    to Pandiya or chera territory – or somewhere else?
    - Not just Ravidasan and his brothers – but the entire family
    set up, their wives, children, those families of wifes – the whole
    gang is banished. This calls for certain analysis. Why their wives
    and children and those families of wives should be punished? It would
    have been much easier to jail just ravidasan & co and spare the rest.
    What does this mean? This could only mean either the participation of
    the whole group in this crime or in order to increase the magnitude
    of his punishment, rajaraja ordered thus. Ofcourse, after knowing
    that their husbands were conspirators, woman could not have lived
    peacefully in chola territory – they would have followed their
    husbands anyway.
    - I'm not sure what is the evidence behind the assumption that
    Karikala was murdered in Kadambur palace. May be in thiruvalangadu
    copper plates? Not sure. My question is what is the relevance in
    placing the "throgigal" inscription in Udaiyargyudi? We can assume
    safely that the Ravidasan and co belonged to this village. If it were
    so, what is the relation between this group and Kadambur

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