Making new members "active"
  • Guys,
    We all agree that we need a bigger group of "active" members out of
    250+. I's really feeling very sorry when Pavitra wrote that only 5 to
    6 guys turned up for the meeting at Natesan Park.
    We cannot keep pressing these people for each and everything...we
    need to bring in more active people into the group.

    Members who have registered themselves are certainly those who are
    interested in such activities - but due to various "never-ending"
    commitments, they are probably unable to participate.

    One more thing which I notice is that when you don't respond to their
    initial mails, they naturally lose interest in communicating with us.
    After sun tv interview, lot of enthusiastic emails came up - only to
    be dried up soon, for want of response. This is just my opinion -
    members can react.

    To do this, we have to involve ourselves in some "pro-active"
    measures - going out of our way in wrapping them up. This may mean
    digging up some old archives and finding out who are the ones who are
    silent after initial mails - calling/mailing them and informing them
    about Rajaraja conference etc etc. Personalised emails can go a long
    way in this..(I'm doing it whenever I find time).
    I know it is very difficult - but it may be worthwhile in the long
    run. This is just one suggestion - members may come out with more
    such ideas.

    Formation of focus teams(Padais - in Kamal's terminology) is another
    big step - but even here such pro active measures are necessary to
    increase the size of padai.

    Please comment..
  • Dear GokulI agree that we need more cative members but deny the fact that the initial response dried up when there was no response...Because nine out of ten new respondants after the sunTV interveiw or kalki were greeted by Ram or someone else...... Maybe they registered and didnt like what was in the group( I am sorry but different people have different tastes...moreover the main discussion after the SunTV interveiw was Madhavs mails and response interspersed with some other things. I am in the process of Making a monthly Digest and archive Update so any new member or Old member for that matter will have the gist of the events and discussions in one mail....with links to the mails of course. We ll see if that works Sridhar
  • Dear Gokul and Sridhar, I agree with you guys. There are definitely a few things I could do to make the group more active. Unfortunately (or shud it be fortunateley??), I'm nearing my graduation and caught up with writing papers and thesis. It takes most of my time. I'm not able to anything but read all the mails and post an occasional response. I hope I'll have more time to spend for the group after last week of july. I appreciate the enthusiasm of guys like you and I apologise one more time for not being pro-active. Ram
  • Gokul,
    Rather than trying to get new members active, the effort should be to
    get active people to become members.
    Lot of us have our own solid reasons like Work / Family Commitments,
    Living in a diff. country etc for not taking part in meetings.
    Majority of 250+ who have managed to become a member like me live
    elsewhere. That could be the primary cause for such low turn-out at
    the meetings.

    Krupa & Co could do the foll.

    1. Visit some of the colleges and schools in Chennai and talk to
    Tamil Dept. Heads to inculcate interest about PS and this site among
    their students. College Students are the most enthusiastic lot with
    NO OTHER COMMITMENTS, oops how dare I say that...

    2. Get Kalki magazine or any other sponsor to advertise about this
    website thru more popular medium like Sun TV or any other Tamizh
    channel at Prime time. The advertisement should focus on reaching
    people who can actually read PS and not to all and sundry (who have
    access to internet) like me. he.. he... he...

    Krupa, eppadi dhairiyamaa ungalukku work allocate panniten

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