India before the Brits
  • India was such an amazing country in those day. It is unfortunate we
    (including myself) have lost a sense of who we are in the modern
    times. I am collecting all my notes and information on India and its
    scientific, educational, and other advances before the Brits came to
    rule. I will post it soon for the benefit of this group. Many of the
    sources are from the web and other reference books that I own. I will
    also post links to many sites that discuss this issue soon. Please
    give me until next week to put the information together and make it
    logically redable for you all (like I promised in my earlier email).

  • Dear Geetha
    The following quotes of India by eminent personalities may help you in compiling.
  • Dear MrSPS;

    I think it is the other wat around--"Its interesting to read history written
    like fiction" Am i right?

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